G Force supplement review

G-Force Supplement Review [8 Deep Facts Checked]

G Force supplement review

UPDATED ON: 2021/03/26

G Force pills for teeth? Really? Where it comes from?! It feels like it’s the right solution for teeth problems that has been hidden for decades, and now it has been revealed to the public for limited time!

I mean, you were surfing facebook or a website just like normal when a post about this supplement changed your hope of finally to a fresh white smile, ending the bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease.

No worries, you are in the right place, and whatever the question is in your mind right now about it, our experts have answered them in this g-force supplement review.

Some questions like “What is g force supplement?, Is g force supplement legit?, What are g force supplement ingredients?, Does g force pills work?, Is g force supplement safe?, Where can I buy g force supplement? (Safely), and of course the 8 DEEP facts checked you need to know about it“. And more…

So, take a deep breath, pay close attention, and let’s get started…

Quick G Force Pills Review

Just in case you want to skim this G Force pills review, we have summarized the most important points of this supplement in this table:

Supplement Name:
G-force Advanced Deental Health Formula
Supplement Picture:
G Force supplement
Our Rating:
Pill Type:
Teeth And Gums Pill
Main Benefits:
Increases good flora in mouth, eliminates bad bacteria behind bad breath, fight bacteria that causes tooth decay, relieves gums, rejuvenates teeth and gums, and finally fixing roots of teeth.
Supplement Creator:
Daniel Moore | Creator of G-Force Pills For Teeth
G-Force Supplement Ingredients:
Milk thistle, zinc oxide, yarrow flowers, jujube seed, chicory root, dandelion root, chanca piedra plant, artichoke leaves, beetroot, celery seed, alfalfa, burdock, yellow dock, methionine, grape seed, L-cystine, feverfew, N-acetyl cystine, choline, turmeric, red raspberry fruit, berberine, and finally ginger root.
Side Effects:
No Side Effects Have Been Reported
How to use G-force supplement:
Take 2 capsules a day. It’s recommended to be taken before 20-30 mins of a meal (For more info, check the label)
Best Price:
$49 per bottle (Only available for 6 bottles package for a limited time)
FREE US shipping with 3 & 6 bottles packages. Takes 5-7 Days in the US and longer for international shipping
Only online through the official website
Inventory State:
Low In Stock
Time For New Batch If The Current One Ends:
Mostly 2 months and 1 weeks
Official Website:
Visit the official website of G-Force supplement™ here

G-Force Supplement Review (In-depth review)

Below you can see the index of this g-force supplement review, called: “Table of contents”. Click on any title of it to jump to the title you want.

Note: we have included our scientific references used in this review at the bottom of it. Make sure to check them as well if you want.

Table of Contents

What is g force supplement?

What is G Force supplement

What exactly are these G Force pills?

G-Force is a new dietary supplement consists of natural ingredients for teeth care.

Specifically, G Force pills targets bacteria behind bad breath and tooth decay, removes them, and then protect your teeth from getting those types of bacteria again.

Beside that, there are other great benefits for G Force supplement:

  • GForce pills provide you with more good flora in mouth.
  • It helps treating your teeth and gum WITHOUT getting side effects
  • G-Force also renews your saliva and blood.
  • It ends the awful smell of your breath, getting you a fresher breath.
  • It helps getting you a strong shiny teeth.
  • And other more…

In short, G-Force supplement has been created to help you get a new life by seeing your teeth whiter and healthier, kicking off bad bacteria and supporting the good bacteria, ending tooth decay and bad breath.

Who creates G Force supplement?

The researcher and creator of G-Force supplement is Daniel Moore, an ambulance driver and a loving dad living in Pennsylvania, United States.

Daniel has a son and a daughter. He was planning for their weddings, but her teeth were having bad breath and they are yellower than the sun, even after brushing them 2 times a day.

He was noticing that almost every time he brushes his teeth, he sees blood with water when washing his mouth. He didn’t really take it seriously.

But the nightmare happens on the first wedding of his son. Coughing blood, hardly breathing, and releasing worst breath ever! You can call it the “The biggest hated embarrassment”.

Even they prepared everything to be perfect, but it wasn’t.

After this accident, he decided to change the way he dealt with his teeth.

He reached out to dentists to see what he can do, but the available solutions weren’t in his favor. Specifically his dentist said that he needs:

  • Gum grafts ($500 per normal damaged gum, and higher if it highly damaged)
  • Fillings and root canals to “save” the teeth that were damaged ($400 to $1800)
  • Pocket elimination surgery for strengthening the gum (around $5,000)

Also his dentist suggested removing the bad teeth and replacing them with implants at a cost $4,000 per implants.

It seemed like he wanted a whole bank with $15,000 JUST for his teeth problems along with an iron-well to endure the pain and suffering.

Moreover, there weren’t any guarantee that any of that will fix the problem.

One day, doing his duty, he got a call from the hospital for a car accident.

There was an old man beside the car trying to help his dog getting out of the car. Fortunately, he was alright, but needed some analysis.

On the way to hospital, and after a short talking with the old man, Daniel noticed that the old man has strange teeth, like “A 82 years old man with white and shiny smile!”.

Soon enough, and after talking to him and reaching out to the right researchers, he finally was able to find the billions of bad bacteria that are the cause for teeth and gum problems.

The solutions in market were already not good, so he started to research natural components to defeat these bacteria.

After massive researching in labs, he finally found the natural ingredients that WORKED for curing bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease.

So, he creates a supplement contains this blend of the natural ingredients he used and called it “G-Force Advanced Dental Health Formula“.

How Does a Natural Supplement Lead to Cure Teeth Problems Better Than A Dentist?

As mentioned above, this supplement uses its natural ingredients to fight bad bacteria in mouth, but how does this cure teeth problems better than the solutions available in the market?

The reason is simple. Not every dentist is a perfect dentist. New studies appear every day in all fields.

While going to dentist might help, it still costly and painful.

On the other hand, G-Force supplement has no pain at all, and it’s WAAAAAAAAY less expensive than dentists solutions.

That’s it!

Okay, at this point of our G-Force supplement review, this supplement looks good, but, is this G Force supplement good for everyone?

Who does exactly NEED to take it?

That’s what you are going to discover in the next section…

Who Does Need To Get G Force Pills For Teeth?

Who does need to get G Force pills

Please pay close attention to this point of our g-force supplement review, because it will determine whether you NEED this supplement or not.

Who does need to get g force pills?

These are the top cases in which you need to get g force pills:

  • Your have a bad breath
  • Your teeth are yellow
  • You are brushing your teeth everyday but they are still yellow
  • Your gum bleeds sometimes
  • You have one or more tooth decay
  • You want to protect your perfect teeth and gum from bacteria

If your case is ONE or more of these cases, then it’s HIGHLY recommended for you to get G Force supplement, because it will help fighting bad bacteria, replacing the awful breath with a fresher one, and relieving your teeth and gum from tooth decay and gum disease.

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G-Force Supplement ingredients

G Force supplement ingredients

What are the ingredients in G Force pills?

Good question!

In fact, you should always check ingredients of any supplement before making any decision about any supplement.

Wondering why?

Simply because the supplement may contain harmful substances that do bad more than good.

Let’s see…

According to the official website, the G Force pills ingredients are:

  • Milk Thistle: Many call it “The Best Sources of Silymarin”. It helps detoxifying the liver from the metals caused by dental fillings. It also reduces inflammation.
  • Zinc Oxide: This ingredient is a MUST for fighting against bacteria and its build-up in teeth.
  • Yarrow Flowers: This herb boosts the cells responsible for rejuvenating connective tissue. These cells are called fibroblasts. Also these cells has a major role to recover your body from injuries.
  • Jujube Seed: A strong plant that is rich in antioxidants, and it also supports immunity.
  • Chicory Root: A plant full of antimicrobial benefits and antioxidant properties. Chicory also protects the body from bad bacteria around teeth.
  • Dandelion root: This herb originally belongs to the family Asteraceae. Also is called Lion’s Tooth. From its name, it provides teeth with essential minerals, like calcium and many others, to make them as strong as lion’s teeth.
  • Chanca Piedra Plant: A common plant widely used in dental products like toothpaste. It helps reducing inflammation and getting fresher breath.
  • Artichoke leaves: A great herb loaded with nutrients. It helps strengthening and purifying the mouth from infections.
  • Beet root: According to many test done by experts of one of the major universities in the world, beet root has nitric oxide that is not only prevents cavities, but also actually stops tooth decay.

There are other powerful ingredients included inside the supplement for supporting immunity, reducing inflammation, and of course, helping you ending your teeth problems. These ingredients are:

  • Celery seed
  • Alfalfa
  • Burdock
  • Yellow dock
  • Methionine
  • Grape seed
  • L-cystine
  • Feverfew
  • N-acetyl cystine
  • Choline
  • Turmeric
  • Red raspberry fruit
  • Berberine
  • Ginger root

Combining all of these different NATURAL ingredients in a G Force pill provides you with all the substances you need to end tooth decay, bad breath, gum disease, and to finally have a good-looking smile.

But wait a moment! How does G-Force work on treating tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease with the help of these ingredients?

Good question! That’s what we’re going to talk about in the next section of this G Force review “How Does G Force Supplement Work?”

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How does G Force supplement work?

how does G Force supplement work

“What is the process this supplement takes to make me end teeth problems?”

Let me explain it in a very simple way…

According to the official manufacturer, G-Force supplement uses the natural ingredients to do its function, staying away from any synthetic chemicals.

G Force supplement ingredients does multiple steps to fight tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease:

Step 1: Eliminates the current weak plaque.

Step 2: Detects bacteria colonies and fights them.

Step 3: Heals mouth wounds, and strengthens weak gums and teeth roots.

Step 4: Provides teeth crowns with vitamins and minerals to make them stronger and steadier.

Step 5: Full purification and detoxification for mouth and gut along with balancing the oral bacteria.

Step 6: A Great Rejuvenation for teeth and gums.

Using these steps, G force pills ensure you having:

A more powerful saliva against oral bacteria,  stronger gums as it treats them from inside, fresher breath as it eliminates millions of bad bacteria behind your bad breath, and finally beautiful white teeth as it ends your tooth decay.

This is what this supplement can do for you.

The only thing you have to do is to just take two pills a day as suggested by the supplement, and the pills will complete its work for you after that.

That’s it.

Hope that clears things out…

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G Force pills for teeth | Facts Checked

G Force pills for teeth facts checked
Manufacturing Country:
GMO Check:
GMP Facility Used Check:
gmp certified
Certified Facility
FDA Status Check Of The Facility Used:
fda approved facility
FDA Approved Facility
Ingredients Purity And Type:
100% (100% All-Natural and Vegetarian)
No Stimulants
Hygiene Standards Followed:
Sterile, Strict, and Precise Standards
Money-Back Guarantee
Yes, 60 Days

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G Force Supplement Side Effects

G Force supplement side effects

G Force supplement ingredients seem to be the best solution for teeth problems in the world,

But are they safe to be introduced  to your body?

In short, what are the G Force supplement side effects?

According to the official website, G Force supplement has ONLY safe ingredients. No toxins, no allergens, and no bad chemicals.


But you might wonder…

Why does it have no side effects?

It’s because G-Force supplement is made of natural ingredients. Also it only uses the purest and highest quality farms to extract their ingredients.

This makes it safe to take without any side effects.

As we have checked in the facts section above, each G Force pill is manufactured under sterile, strict and precise standards in the USA, in FDA & GMP certified facility.

Also each and every pill is non-GMO and has NO ANY TOXINS OR DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES.

As a result of all this, you can ensure taking this supplement without any worries.

So, G Force pills for teeth don’t have any side effects.

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G Force Pills pros and cons

G Force pills pros and cons

I’ll admit that this supplement is a great one.

Even though, it still must have the two sides, cons and pros.

Let’s see…

G-Force Pills Pros:

G-Force Pills Cons:

Now if you want to buy this supplement, please go with the official supplement that is available ONLY at the official website (Button for official website is at the bottom of the screen or use this one below).

Because you might end up like some customers who weren’t satisfied with what they got from amazon or walmart (Because of receiving a scam version!).

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G-Force Supplement Price and Plans

The original price for 1 bottle is $176.

In addition, the shipping cost is $15 inside the US. In total, it’s $191 per bottle.

This price is considered low for the researches and tests done on this product.

The good news is that currently there is a great discount for G-force pills, but it’s limited and can end at any moment.

The discount price is $69 per bottle (60% off).

Moreover, there is another big discount that is much bigger for those who buy the 3 bottles package.

The bigger discounted package is $177 for 3 bottles instead of $528 (66% off)

Now those discount packages are good, but why not taking the benefits of the greatest discount for now?

It’s the biggest one here:

It’s $294 for 6 bottles + FREE US Shipping ($49 Per Bottle)

Despite the shipping is FREE, you are getting here %72 off. It’s $49 per bottle!

This is the good news. The bad news, this 6 bottles package is experiencing high demand. As a result, the stock went low and could end VERY SOON!

More and more customers are reserving their bottles in advance, this causes extra demand and shortage in stock.

Our experts recommend this package because it helps you achieving the best results for fighting oral bacteria and ending tooth decay!

If you really want to have great healthy teeth, gums, and mouth starting today, then there is no more time to waste!

You can get this package you like now by clicking on the button below.

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How And Where to Buy G Force Supplement Safely?

"Where can I buy G-Force supplement?"

First, this product is available to buy from its official online website only!

You can find the official website with the official discount button appearing on the screen below (The yellow button says: “Click here to claim the official G Force discount“).

Sometimes you may get scammed if you buy this supplement form other retailers like amazon, walmart or other websites.

This is mainly because there are some smart scammers who fake popular supplements like this one to make massive scam profits from it. The fake supplement is NOT effective to cure anything.

All supplements named “G-Force” in any website other than the official one below IS A SCAM! Please be aware of this and ONLY use the official button appearing below.

Now if you don’t know how to get this supplement, we have included a simple step by step explanation on how to buy the official G-force supplement for teeth safely. Also we have included in that tutorial some images explaining how to get the greatest discount.

It’s the blue link that is appearing on the screen below the yellow button “>>Or click here to learn how to get the official…“.

Is G-Force supplement available in United States? Canada? United Kingdom? Australia?

This is the last question that completes our G-Force supplement review review, which is:

Is it available in United States? Is it available in all states?

“What about United Kingdom? Australia? Canada?”

What about all other countries?

According to G-Force official website, this supplement is available in United States.

And yes, it ships to all states inside the US!

But what about other countries?

Well, after checking the official website, we can see that it’s available in Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and all other countries, but with an extra shipping fee.

Note: due to the high demand on G-force pills, our experts noticed that this product can be out of stock at any moment.

So if you want to take the benefits of this product, then please act fast. Otherwise, you will end up waiting 68 days or more to see it in stock again.

Note: after you click on the button above, you need to scroll down on their website to see the buy buttons… 

G Force Pills For Teeth | FAQ

G Force pills for teeth faq

For best results, the official manufacturers recommend taking G-Force pills TWICE a day.

Take it before 20-30 mins of a meal.

Also, make sure to drink 8 oz. glass of water with each capsule.

Sources And References

Here is the references our researchers used when writing this G-Force supplement review:







