how long does heartburn last

How Long Does Heartburn Last? [Pregnant, Adults, & Children]

It’s very important for you to know how long heartburn can last and when you need to take a cure for it as an adult, pregnant , or even if you have a child who has acid reflux! And that’s what this article is all about.

After all, heartburn is a common illness and according to webmd, acid reflux happens once a week for up to 20% of Americans in average and is common in pregnant women.

How long does heartburn last in children? With The Cure

how long does heartburn last in children

It depends, but usually if the heartburn or acid reflux was normal, then it will last for 1 day and then it will be gone! And sometimes, for just a few hours!

Usually heartburn/acid reflux is not dangerous, however, long-term heartburn, known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), can lead to big problems like:

  • Long-term cough
  • Refusing to eat or trouble eating (a child may choke or gag)
  • Crying after or during a feeding
  • Vomiting often

If your child has one of the symptoms listed above, then you should find a heartburn treatment or acid reflux treatment for your child as soon as possible (We recommend you with this treatment).

Can heartburn last for days in children and still be a normal condition?

No, if heartburn lasts for more than 1 day in children, then you should now take action on that to help your child treating their pain.

Conclusion for how long can heartburn last in children

It may end in a few hours, or days. And if it lasts for more than 1 days, you should get a cure for your child.

How long does heartburn last in pregnant women? With The Cure​

how long does heartburn last in pregnant women
Acid reflux or heartburn a common condition in pregnant women more than other conditions. Now, how long does heartburn last in pregnancy? The usual condition could last 2 or 3 days! Which is more than other normal conditions. And we recommend you to take a treatment for your heartburn if you are a pregnant woman. Also you can follow the tips from healthline:
  • Honey with warm milk may reduce heartburn symptoms.
  • Resist the desire to sit down after eating and take a stroll, instead.
  • Try using your pregnancy pillow underneath your body from the waist up, when you want to sleep. This provides cushioning while elevating upper body.
There is an alternative heartburn treatment that we recommend for pregnant women. Please check it out here.

Can heartburn last for days in pregnancy and still be a normal condition?

No. Even acid reflux or heartburn is more common in pregnant women, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t need a cure! We suggest you to follow a diet or go with the alternative cure above.

Conclusion for how long can heartburn last in pregnancy

Even if it's more common in pregnant women, it still needs a medication if it lasts for more than 2 day.

How long does heartburn last in adults? With The Cure​

how long does heartburn last in adults
As a normal adult between 18-65+, how long does heartburn last for you? The normal condition could last 12 or 24 hours! But, however, it could take more than 24 hours and will need a medication in that case. Here are the best advice from healthline for treating heartburn in adults:
  • Knowing food triggers can help you end or reduce heartburn. Food triggers are like  alcohol, soda, coffee, citrus foods, garlic, onions, and tomatoes and tomato products.
  • Reducing your serving sizes at meals can make you better. Instead of eating a few large meals, try to eat several mini-ones during the day.
  • Avoid eating right before going to bed or late at night.
  • If you smoke, stop smoking cigarettes.
  • If you are overweight or obese, this may increase your risk of having heartburn. Losing your weight may help you reduce your heartburn.
  • Try to not lie down for at least three hours after eating.
If you want a FULL treatment guide that will end your heartburn each time you have it, then we recommend you to get this treatment.

Can heartburn last for days in adults and still be a normal condition?

For some adults, yes. But it’s better to see a doctor or follow a diet even if your heartburn is just a normal case. The best cure we recommend is the FULL treatment guide above.

Conclusion for how long can heartburn last in adults

It should last for 12 to 24 hours, but in any case, it's better to get a treatment for your acid reflux.

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