promind complex supplement

ProMind COMPLEX Review ™ [Expert Review + 😟 WARNING]

Quick ProMind COMPLEX Review for 2021

ProMind COMPLEX Supplement Pros

ProMind COMPLEX Supplement Cons

ProMInd COMPLEX Supplement - Product Picture

promind complex
promind complex



Short ProMind COMPLEX Review

ProMind Complex is a new NATURAL formula containing special natural ingredients that are very important to help boosting brain function and improving memory.

It also increases energy levels to have better communications between brain cells, causing more focus and better memory.

The unique mix of ingredients makes ProMind Complex solution one of the most EFFECTIVE solutions that REALLY does its job in your body to help you getting your memory back just like your twenties in an easy way.

Unlike other supplements, this one doesn’t need any diet or hard exercises beside it.

That’s why ProMind Complex is called THE STRONGEST Mind-BOOSTING FORMULA EVER.

In short, if you want to get a better memory in an easy way, or improve your brain function, or you want to have a fresh brain, then ProMind Complex is for YOU!

ProMind COMPLEX Creator

Carl Henderson promind complex creator
Carl Henderson promind complex creator

Note: after you click on the button above, you need to scroll down on their website to see the buy buttons… 

This is a short promind complex review, if you want a full real review with in-depth details, then continue reading below (Also promind complex customer reviews from real buyers are covered below)…


Some resellers of this product on many websites claim that they can provide you with this supplement for probably the original price or a lower price.
According to what we know, this company does not have resellers! It sells using their official website ONLY.
Anyone claiming otherwise are duping you to purchase a none original product. A lot of people don't know this, so, make sure to avoid losing money and buy only using the official link using the yellow button appearing on the screen below.
Please be aware of that. Now, continue reading our promind complex review...

ProMind Complex Review (In-depth review)

promind complex supplement

ProMind Complex, huh?! What is this! Where it comes from? It just feels like the #1 memory loss solution in the world!

I mean, you were surfing facebook when a normal post about memory loss and ProMind Complex changed your hope of recovering your memory.

Simply you was interested in that hope and searched online to find out more until you found my ProMind Complex review.

Don’t worry, you are in the right place to find that out.

Now during your searching, you might have had one of these questions:

What is promind complex?

Who created promind complex?

What are promind complex ingredients?

What are promind complex side effects? is it safe to take?

Does promind complex work?

Should you even bother yourself to read promind complex reviews? Is it a waste of time?

Are there some promind complex reviews or promind complex customer reviews from real buyers?

Where to buy promind complex?

If that is your case, or one or more of the questions above were in your mind, then I’m happy to inform you that we have ALREADY answered them in this promind complex review.

Not just that, we have covered even more details than just these questions.

Also we have included our scientific references used in this review at the bottom of it. Make sure to check them as well if you want.

So, take a deep breathe, pay close attention, and let’s get started…

Table of Contents

What is promind complex?

What is promind complex

Okay, promind complex ads are everywhere. Is this a supplement? a diet?

In short, what exactly is promind complex?

ProMind Complex is a new supplement that uses a NEW UNIQUE way to help you recover your memory faster than usual solutions, and boost your brain function.

By using a new unique formula, this supplement can:

  • Make you recover your memory faster than normal solutions (4x more effective than mind exercising).
  • Boost your brain energy in a very unique way that helps you thinking more clearly (6x more effective than other supplements)
  • Improve cognitive abilities.
  • Make you more focused.
  • And more…

In short, promind complex has been created to help you to REALLY have a new life by seeing your memory loss issue going away…

We will know if that is true or not in a moment. But first, let’s see who creates this promind complex supplement…

Who creates ProMind Complex?

The creator of this promind complex supplement is Carl Henderson from USA.

Unlike the failing doctors and big memory loss supplements that just want your money, Carl is just like you, a someone who personally suffered from the memory loss that nearly DESTROYED his life.

It all started with him 3 years ago, when his wife forgot his poor 2-year-old grandchild Liam in the boiling hot car, at 120 degrees during one of the worst Texas heat waves that hit the state in the past 100 years.

This accident almost roasted Liam to death!

This is no joke!

After this harmful accident to him, he decided to go on and solve everything by himself.

First, he got almost every memory loss supplement available in the market for his wife, tried many hard puzzles and brain games, but none of that helped his wife.

The problem was these memory loss solutions DON’T seem like an EFFECTIVE root solution to memory loss problem.

So after knowing this, Carl started his own research to find out the truth, finding the root cause of memory loss and then resolve it.

The truth was SHOCKING to him, memory loss is NOT caused by genetics, age, or a bad lifestyle!!

The original study is done Harvard Medical School, University at Buffalo, and University of Leeds:

Proven ProMind Complex Study

More shocking, a bacteria once thought to be harmless…is now proven to be the leading cause of memory loss.

So, after knowing that, Carl started his own experiments and after years of experiments, tests in labs, he finally found a new 100% natural formula that eliminate the root cause of memory loss and boost brain functions to have a better and fresh brain that no longer forgets keys or shopping list.

So you can call this breakthrough he discovered “a call from a personal need”.

Meaning, Carl is the first one who needed this supplement before you.

At that time, after his wife GREAT success in getting a new great and improved memory because of this, he felt guilty if he didn’t reveal the truth to the public.

So, he started creating a supplement containing the mix of all the natural formula ingredients he used to make his wife getting her memory back just like her 20s. He called it “ProMind Complex“.

Okay, at this point of our ProMind Complex review, this supplement looks good, but, what are promind complex ingredients? and are they safe?

That’s what you are going to in the next section…

ProMind Complex ingredients

promind complex ingredients

What are the magic ingredients inside this promind complex pill that make it SUPER EFFECTIVE?

Good question!

In fact, this is important to know before making any decision about any supplement.

But why?

Simply because the supplement may contain harmful substances that do bad more than good.

Let’s see for promind complex…

According to their official website, the promind complex ingredients are:

  • Huperzine (Provides an antibacterial action on the surface of your brain and destroys microbes and bacteria)
  • Vinpocetine (Opens up your brain’s blood vessels, pumping your head full of oxygen and sparking nerve cells back to life)
  • Ginkgo Biloba (This herb works as a bulletproof for the entire brain and gums against the bacteria that causes memory loss)
  • Phosphatidylserine (Crucial for brain cell membrane. Imagine a house without walls! This is like the walls of the brain house!)
  • St. John’s Wort (This super-nutrient will scrape off the hardened plaque on your brain, allowing the blood to flow and the brain cell communication to be safely reestablished)
  • Bacopa monnieri (According to a test done by Swinburne University using Bacopa monnieri for 90 days in 107 patients, Australia led to an improved performance in a structural working remembrance task. Also stress levels went dramatically down)
  • N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine (It makes your stiffened neurotransmitters limber and more responsive, while at the same time fighting off negative feelings, like stress, worry, frustration, or sadness)

Combining all of these different NATURAL ingredients in a promind complex pill provides you with all the substances you need to restore your brain back just like your 20s and 30s.

But wait a moment! With all of these ingredients, isn’t there any side effects? Are all promind complex ingredients safe?

Good question! That’s what I’m going to talk about in the next section of this promind complex review “promind complex Side Effects”…

Note: after you click on the button above, you need to scroll down on their website to see the buy buttons… 

ProMind Complex Side Effects

promind complex side effects

Okay, promind complex ingredients seem to be the solution for the memory loss problem in the world.

But is it safe to introduce them to your body?

In short, what are the promind complex side effects?

According to the official website and the customers, promind complex has no side effects reported.

Also it doesn’t affect your current medications.

Here is why…

Promind Complex pills are produced by natural-only ingredients and they only use the purest and highest quality farms to extract them.

Each promind complex pill is manufactured under sterile, strict and precise standards in the USA, in FDA & GMP certified facility.

Also each and every promind complex pill is non-GMO and has NO ANY TOXINS OR DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES.

By that, promind complex ensures their supplement is a safe dosage to take for everyone.

So, promind complex doesn’t have any side effects.

Note: after you click on the button above, you need to scroll down on their website to see the buy buttons… 

Why you need ProMind Complex today

why you need promind complex today

While reading this promind complex review, you might thought about:

“Do I really need this memory loss solution? Is it really going to change my life?”.

It’s actually an interesting question!

Here are some GREAT possible reasons why you need this promind complex solution TODAY:

  • New Breakthrough Formula

ProMind Complex supplement is considered as the newest breakthrough supplement that was never before in the memory loss medications history. (Yeah…That’s right)

By having a mix of super powerful ingredients along with a unique formula, this supplement is able to support your brain’s cells and boost its function.

Beside that, it also has a major role in curing stress and anxiety.

This leads to a big change in the way you brain work right now to be more like the way it worked in your 20s (Maybe even better than 20s!).

  • ProMind Complex Is 100% Natural and Has Safe Ingredients

Did you check ProMind Complex ingredients that we provided you?

If so, then you will notice that all of these ingredients are SAFE ingredients.

But is that important?

Yes, it’s super important because if the ingredients are not safe, then the supplement may get you endless side effects.

For ProMind Complex, it’s a SAFE supplement to take with no side effects.

Not just that, promind complex ingredients are from our mother nature.

  • Effective supplement

You might think:
“Why am I NOT getting a better memory even after trying many diets, exercises, and supplements?

Even I tried the X one, this one is really common, but still not able to solve my memory loss issue!”

The simple reason behind this is that these solutions are probably built by NONE INDUSTRY EXPERTS or maybe they are not built for your memory type!

On the other hand, ProMind Complex is built by experts after years of testing in labs.

Also it works on any body as long as they are over 18 years old (Please don’t take it if you are under 18 years old)

  • Massive Discount (Right now only)

Because this supplement has done a lot of researches to create its formula, $99 is really low for a bottle!

We are talking about a new breakthrough supplement, man!

Any average memory solution will cost you $600 to $2000 in case of surgery (Also don’t forget that it’s painful)

Even with that, ProMind Complex decides to sell it for a LIMITED discount for $69 per bottle.

Not just that, if you buy 6 bottles, the discount will be more bigger one for you. It will be $49 per bottle!!!

“$49 for a new breakthrough formula!!

Don’t this creator of this supplement Carl needs money or what?!”

Of course he wants like me and you, but, he knew it.

He knows how 1 in every 4 american suffers from the memory loss, because he felt this way in his journey!

So he puts a discount to help those kind of people, the people who really want to end this memory issue and finally change their lives.

But, this massive discount is NOT forever.

In fact, this supplement is selling fast and once the quantity ends, you may NOT be able to order more!


Maybe you will NOT be able to order at ALL (Because the quantity will be ended!)

So, if you want to improve your memory and you like the product, then act fast when the chance is in your hands.

Note: after you click on the button above, you need to scroll down on their website to see the buy buttons… 

Does ProMind Complex work?

During your reading of this promind complex review, you might wonder if this product can actually boost your brain function and make you remember everything you want.

For the reasons mentioned in the previous paragraph above, it will PERFECTLY work for you if you are over 18.

Now, our experts have done the research on your behalf to find reviews on promind complex from real buyers.

We have listed them below.


You need to be aware of promind complex scam!!!

Beside the promind complex customer reviews, I’ve shared A POTENTIAL SCAM YOU NEED TO AVOID WHEN BUYING ProMind Complex.

Because there is a real ProMind Complex supplement that really works and there is a fake one that NEVER works.

Make sure to read ProMind Complex scam as well…

ProMind Complex reviews from REAL customers

promind complex reviews

A lot of people are sending their requests to provide promind complex customer reviews, or promind complex reviews. Not any reviews, I’m talking about promind complex real reviews from real customers.

Now, promind complex is STILL a new product, therefore, there are few reviews on promind complex for now!


We will update this page when we see any new promind complex reviews on the internet.

So, please make sure to bookmark this page so that you can come back later to read the promind complex reviews! (Also we will be happy to see you here again!)

ProMind Complex customer reviews (Real reviews):

"Prior to taking ProMind Complex,I and my wife were less and less alert. We both accepted the fact that we will be 80 in August, and that aging is causing our low-energy and forgetfulness. I am into vitamins and health foods, so when I read all the ingredients in ProMind Complex, I felt very sure they would be helpful in giving my brain the BOOST it needed!
My aging brain needed that boost, and so did my energy level.
Since I started using ProMind Complex, I am thinking more clearly. My memory, which wasn’t too bad, is better. I even went to the store and forgot my grocery list, but I found I didn’t need it—I remembered everything! I know that not even my 21 year old grandson can do that! I felt empowered! Others should TRY IT. You have nothing to lose, and it DOES give your brain a boost. Not only did it help my memory, but I had more energy also.
I know my decaying teeth will not come back and I will not be spending my retirement funds on expensive dental care that will need redoing in the next year. I want to spend the rest of my days enjoying what I worked for and know, I can do that confidently, Carl! Thank you!"
George H
George H. from Miami, Florida
Verified Purchase
Rated it:
Our rating is:

As of our experts research on this promind complex, I found something that is quite shocking…

Here is what I found:

First, promind complex really works for solving memory loss issue!

Second, NEVER EVER BUY PROMIND COMPLEX SCAM PRODUCT! Please avoid being scammed!

What?! Is promind complex a scam?

No, I didn’t mean that…

This supplement has some scam versions on amazon and others retailers!

Also those scammers are hiring smart developers to make their scam websites look like the original one.

Maybe it sounds hard to avoid this promind complex scam, thankfully, it isn’t!

Here is what you need to do to avoid promind complex scam:

Buy the supplement ONLY from the official website.

That’s it!

You can find the official button for official promind complex supplement with the official discount for it appearing at the bottom of this page.

Here is a review for other supplement that also has scam versions. This lady detects this scam on amazon:

Nathalie review of leptitox

I hope you enjoyed this list of promind complex reviews form real buyers and finally made your decision about this product.

Also be sure to share this scam alert with your friends. It’s not easy to figure it out. Our experts put a lot of work and research to detect this scam. Simply click on your favorite social media to share:

Click Here To Share On Facebook
Click Here To Share On Twitter

Note: after you click on the button above, you need to scroll down on their website to see the buy buttons… 

How does ProMind Complex Work?

how does promind complex work

“How does promind complex supplement work?”

Let me explain it in a very simple way…

As you read above, the real cause of memory loss is a specific bacteria from your gum.

So, to have a fresh and better memory, we need to remove this bacteria and prevent it from entering again in the future.

That’s why ProMind Complex is made of two phases:

Phase 1:

First step in this phase is to eradicate the bacteria.

Huperzine herb inside promind complex pill takes care of this.

In fact, according to one 2005 study, Huperzine provides an antibacterial action on the surface of your brain. In this clinical study, Huperzine destroyed microbes and bacteria much like your hand sanitizer coats and protects your hands. So, not only is Huperzine important for killing the dangerous dental bacteria that traveled to your brain…

But it’s also important for “coating” the brain in a “bacterial-proof vest”!

Second step is to repair the “wounded” brain cells.

As we grow up, our brain blood flow gets weaker…

That’s why Carl made sure to solve this issue by adding Vinpocetine herb.

This herb opens up your brain’s blood vessels, pumping your head full of oxygen and sparking nerve cells back to life. This new blood flow also flushes out cerebral toxins and helps your neurons fire faster so starting fast your memory recall processes! In one study, participants at the University of Leeds in England used Vinpocetine and experienced less memory fatigue and improved reaction times in a matter of days.

Last step in this phase is to provide a STRONG protection layer for the entire brain and gums against the bacteria.

For this, Carl dig deeper into international studies and found a great one.

Specifically, he found a study in 2014 in China on the effects of Ginkgo Biloba on gum-disease.

Sixty patients with moderate to severe periodontitis were selected and split up in a control group and a group who received Ginkgo. They were periodically swabbed for a bacterial test and the results were absolutely insane! Ginkgo significantly decreased the detection rate of periodontal disease pathogens in just 1 week after treatment!

So, he added this amazing ingredients to the mix.

Phase 2:

This also consists of 3 steps:

Step 1: Fire up brain cell communication.

Carl used Phosphatidylserine for this.

This ingredient is absolutely crucial for a healthy and strong brain cell membrane. Without it, just imagine having a house without walls!

Step 2: Remove hardened plaque 

One of the brain normal functions is to produce plaque as a response to any bacterial attack.

Over time, this plaque layer becomes much bigger and thicker, which prevent blood to flow into the brain for cell communication. So, this calls for a cleanup!

This is where St. John’s Wort comes in.

This super ingredient scrapes off the hardened plaque on your brain, allowing more blood to flow inside brain cells safely.

Without this ingredient, active nutrients would not be able to enter your brain because of the thick plaque layer.

Step 3: Add an anti anxiety and depression

You might not know this, but anxiety and depression are two of the main reasons for memory loss.

So you should end them.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to do ANYTHING!

Bacopa monnieri herb inside promind complex does this perfectly.

It regulates the “happy” chemicals your brain produces. This process allows less stress and makes you enjoy a happier life.

Last step: Remove brain fog and insomnia while increasing your energy levels

Maybe you can restore some memories, but you will not be able to recollect quickly.

That’s why you need N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine that is inside promind complex.

It makes your stiffened neurotransmitters limber and more responsive, while at the same time fighting off negative feelings, like stress, worry, frustration, or sadness.

These are all the phases and steps are done by promind complex ingredients to help you have a better memory. 

Hope that clears things out…

Note: after you click on the button above, you need to scroll down on their website to see the buy buttons… 

ProMind Complex pros and cons

promind complex pros and cons

Okay, I’ll admit that this supplement is a great one.

Even though, it still must have the two sides, cons and pros.

Let’s see…

ProMind Complex Pros:

ProMind Complex Cons:

Now if you want to buy this supplement, please go with the official promind complex of it that is available ONLY at the official website (The yellow button at the bottom of the screen).

Because you might end up like some customers who weren’t satisfied with what they got from amazon or walmart (Because of receiving a scam version!).

Note: after you click on the button above, you need to scroll down on their website to see the buy buttons… 

Where to buy ProMind Complex?

This is the last question that completes our ProMind Complex review, which is:

Is this supplement available in United States? Is it available in all states?

“What about United Kingdom? Australia? Canada?”

What about all other countries?

Now before that, you can buy promind complex from their official website (just click on the yellow button on the screen down below to go to the official website it)

According to promind complex official website, this supplement is available in United States.

And yes, it ships to all states inside the US!

Shipping is FREE!

But what about other countries?

Well, after checking the official website, we can see that it’s available in UK, Canada, Australia, and all other countries, but, with a shipping cost and delay (Because it requires international shipping).

Note: due to the really high demand on promind complex breakthrough dosages, our experts noticed that this product can be out of stock at any moment.

So if you want to take the benefits of this product, then please act fast. Otherwise, you will end up waiting 70 days or more to see it in stock again.

Note: after you click on the button above, you need to scroll down on their website to see the buy buttons… 


promind complex faq

ProMind complex is a legit supplement that enhances brain function and improves memory.

This helps reducing mental fog. Also it boosts the communication between brain's cells.

ProMind Complex is a safe supplement to take.

In fact, it uses ingredients that are %100 natural and safe.

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