sugar balance review

Sugar Balance Review [Expert Review + 4 Warnings + 8 Facts]

sugar balance review

Sugar Balance pills? Really? Where it comes from?! It feels like it’s the hidden cure for diabetes that was hidden from you for years, and now it has been revealed!

I mean, you were surfing facebook news feed or a website when a post about Sugar Balance herbal supplement changed your hope of lowering your blood sugar A1C to 6.5 or even less.

No worries, you are in the right place, and whatever the question is in your mind right now, our experts have answered them in this sugar balance herbal supplement review.

Some questions like “What is Sugar Balance?, pros and cons of sugar balance, Is Sugar Balance legit?, Who is dr. David Pearson?, What are Sugar Balance ingredients?, Does Sugar Balance really work?, Is Sugar Balance safe?, Where can i buy Sugar Balance? (Safely), and of course the warnings and facts about it“. And more…

So, take a deep breath, pay close attention, and let’s get started…

Quick Sugar Balance Review

Just in case you want to skim this sugar balance review, we have summarized the most important points of this herbal supplement in this table:

Supplement Name:
Sugar Balance Herbal Supplement
Supplement Picture:
sugar balance herbal supplement
Our Rating:
Pill Type:
Lowering Blood Sugar Pill
Main Benefits:
Lowers blood sugar, manages diabetes, detoxes liver, removes unhealthy fat, and finally opens blood vessels for liver
Supplement Creator:
dr david pearson
Dr. David Pearson | Creator of Sugar Balance Pills
Sugar Balance Ingredients:
Balloon flower, Chromium Picolinate, Astragalus, Lycium Chinese fruit, Schizandra Chinese fruit, Solomon’s seal, Juniper berry, Wild yam, Licorice, Gymnema sylvestre, and Mulberry leaf
Side Effects:
No Serious Side Effects Have Been Reported
How to use Sugar Balance:
Take 1 capsule after one meal. 3 times a day. (For more info, check the label)
Best Price:
$33 per bottle (Only available for 6 bottles package for a limited time)
FREE US shipping with 3 & 6 bottles packages. Takes 5-7 Days in the US and longer for international shipping
Only online through the official website
Inventory State:
Low In Stock
Time For New Batch If The Current One Ends:
Mostly 2 months and 1 week
Official Website:
Visit the official website of Sugar Balance™ here

Sugar Balance Herbal Supplement Review (In-depth review)

Below you can see the index of this sugar balance review, called: “Table of contents”. Click on any title of it to jump to the title you want.

Note: we have included our scientific references used in this review at the bottom of it. Make sure to check them as well if you want.

Table of Contents

What is Sugar Balance?

What is sugar balance

What exactly are these Sugar Balance pills?

Sugar Balance is a new herbal supplement that works on balancing blood sugar and making it within normal levels.

With the help of its scientifically proven herbal ingredients, Sugar Balance pills enhance insulin levels in blood along with helping pancreas, leading to higher insulin levels, less blood sugar levels, and finally healthy glucose levels.

Beside that, there are other great benefits for Sugar Balance herbal supplement:

  • Sugar Balance boosts pancreas function to produce more insulin
  • It lowers blood sugar WITHOUT having side effects
  • It detoxes liver and remove harmful substances in it
  • It lowers sugar craving
  • It burns the unhealthy fat caused by diabetes
  • It improves your overall health

In short, Sugar Balance has been created to help you have a new life by seeing your A1C lowering to 6.5 or even to 5.4 (Depending on your case)…

Who creates Sugar Balance supplement?

dr david pearson

The researcher and creator of Sugar Balance herbal supplement is Dr. David Pearson.

Dr. David is a certified epidemiologist who researches the natural way of curing diabetes for 27 years.

He believes that the synthetic substances are not always the perfect solution for curing diabetes, in fact, many of them causes severe side effects unknown by the patient, or known too late.

So, David dedicated himself to find natural solution that is 100% made from our mother nature to make sure it’s an effective solution along with not having any side effects.

After researching and experiments in labs for years, he finally was able to discover the TRUTH behind diabetes and the natural ingredients that worked on lowering blood sugar effectively.

So, he creates a supplement contains the blend of all the natural formula ingredients he used to lower blood sugar and called it “Sugar Balance herbal supplement“.

How Does Increasing Insulin Lead to Lowering Blood Sugar Levels?

As we said above, Sugar Balance herbal supplement increases insulin levels, how does this leads to treating diabetes?

No worries, explaining WHAT CAUSES diabetes in your body will answer this…

Diabetes is a disease caused by failure of pancreas and/or liver to do their work efficiently.

Pancreas produces insulin hormone into blood. This hormone is responsible for taking the sugar in blood, converting it into glucose, and storing it in liver.

In normal body, pancreas produces enough insulin to have balanced sugar in blood.

In diabetic body, pancreas produces NOT enough insulin to have balanced sugar in blood.

When taking Sugar Balance supplement, its ingredients works on returning insulin levels into normal.

This is why Sugar Balance is able to cure diabetes by helping pancreas to produce more insulin. 

Okay, at this point of our Sugar Balance review, this supplement looks good, but, isn’t there any warning about Sugar Balance before taking it?

Is Sugar Balance safe to take for anyone?

That’s what you are going to discoverf in the next section…

Sugar Balance Warnings

sugar balance warnings

Is Sugar Balance legit?

Sugar Balance herbal supplement is a legit supplement and not a scam.

The unknown warnings or cases in which you should NOT take Sugar Balance pills make people think that it’s not legit!

No, this supplement is legit, but, you have to know if your case is safe or not to take these pills.

Please check the cases below where this herbal supplement is NOT recommended for you.

Is Sugar Balance safe?

First impression might tell you that Sugar Balance supplement is effective and safe for any diabetic patient, unfortunately, it isn’t.

Here are all the 4 cases/warnings in which Sugar Balance pills are not recommended for you (If one of these cases is your case and you take Sugar Balance pills, then it’s your responsibility alone if your diabetes gets worse):

  • Under 18 years old
  • Pregnant women
  • Breastfeeding women
  • Have severe medical conditions

If your case is not one of these cases, then I’m happy to inform you that you can take the benefits of lowering your blood sugar with Sugar Balance pills safely 🤗.

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Who Does Need To Get Sugar Balance?

Who does need to get sugar balance

Now this is point of our Sugar Balance review is important to know, please pay close attention.

Who does really need to get Sugar Balance?

Just like what we mentioned in GlucoFlow review, these are the top cases in which you need to get Sugar Balance:

  • Having diabetes type 2
  • Having diabetes type 1
  • Prediabetic
  • Being obese along with having diabetes
  • Having A1C readings higher than 6.5
  • Having high blood sugar

If your case is ONE or more of these cases, then it’s recommended for you to get Sugar Balance, because it will help you reduce your blood sugar levels and restore your overall health. 

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Sugar Balance ingredients

sugar balance ingredients

What are sugar balance herbal supplement ingredients?

Good question!

In fact, this is important to know before making any decision about any supplement.

But why?

Simply because the supplement may contain harmful substances that do bad more than good.

Let’s see Sugar Balance herbal supplement ingredients…

According to Sugar Balance’s official website, the Sugar Balance ingredients are:

  • Balloon flower root extract: This herb is an effective one for reducing the inflammation in both pancreas and liver.
  • Chromium Picolinate: A proven herb for taking apart blood sugar molecules and making them consumable as energy for cells. As a result, blood sugar levels go down.
  • Astragalus root extract: This ingredient boosts insulin function in which it helps storing more blood sugar into cells, causing lower blood sugar.
  • Lycium Chinese fruit extract: It contains a natural enzyme that cleans blood vessels from fat, making it more open to flow blood. And as a result, thrombus is destroyed!
  • Schizandra Chinese fruit extract: It lowers glucose and fructose in the small intestine.
  • Solomon’s seal extract: According to Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine, this Appalachian wildcrafted, Solomon’s seal root boosts the optimal function of the joints, cartilage, and connective tissue within the musculoskeletal system.
  • Juniper berry extract: Many researches suggest this herb as treatment for diabetes, because it helps reducing blood sugar.
  • Wild yam: This ingredient helps balancing hormones and blood sugar levels.
  • Licorice: It removes fat from liver to improve its function.
  • Gymnema sylvestre extract: Evidence based studies showed that this extract is a PROVEN extract for lowering blood sugar, fighting sugar cravings, and finally treating diabetes.
  • Mulberry leaf extract: According to a detailed study done by American Diabetes Association (A.K.A ADA), Mulberry leaf helps controlling blood sugar and managing diabetes.

Combining all of these different NATURAL ingredients in a Sugar Balance pill provides you with all the substances you need to restore normal blood sugar levels and finally lower your high blood sugar levels.

But wait a moment! How does Sugar Balance work on curing diabetes with the help of these ingredients?

Good question! That’s what I’m going to talk about in the next section of this Sugar Balance supplement review “How Does Sugar Balance Work?”…

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How does Sugar Balance work?

how does sugar balance work

“How these blood sugar capsules are able to reduce my blood sugar levels?”

Let me explain it in a very simple way…

To know how Sugar Balance pills work, you need to know first why you have diabetes in the first place.

Diabetes is a disease in which your bloodstream has more sugar than normal. The MAIN cause of that is not because you are eating too much sugar!

The real cause is that your pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin. This hormone does storing eaten sugar into your liver cells. It’s stored as “glucose”.

So, Sugar balance pills works on solving this problem by increasing your insulin levels naturally. This leads to lowering blood sugar levels, increasing energy levels, and better overall health.

Beside that, this herbal supplement detoxes your liver and boosts its function.

Moreover, Sugar Balance helps burning fat and losing weight.

To ensure having an effective supplement without side effects, Sugar Balance uses natural ingredients that have been combined in the right amounts.

Sugar Balance recommends eating a healthy diet and doing exercises along with the herbal supplement.

By doing this, your body speeds up the process of reducing blood sugar levels as well as losing weight much faster.

Hope that clears things out…

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Sugar Balance Facts Checked

sugar balance facts checked
Manufacturing Country:
GMO Check:
GMP Facility Used Check:
gmp certified
Certified Facility
FDA Status Check Of The Facility Used:
fda approved facility
FDA Approved Facility
Ingredients Purity And Type:
100% (100% All-Natural and Vegetarian)
No Stimulants
Hygiene Standards Followed:
Sterile, Strict, and Precise Standards
Money-Back Guarantee
Yes, 180 Days

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Sugar Balance Side Effects

sugar balance side effects

Okay, Sugar Balance ingredients seem to be the solution for diabetes problem in the world.

But are they safe to be introduced to your body?

In short, what are the Sugar Balance side effects?

According to the official website and the customers, sugar balance supplement has no serious side effects reported.

Here is it from the official Sugar Balance website:

Sugar Balance pills side effects official

But why there are no serious side effects?

The reason is simple. This herbal supplement is made of natural-only ingredients. Beside that, it only uses the purest and highest quality farms to extract them.

This makes it safe to take.

As we have checked in the facts section above, each Sugar Balance pill is manufactured under sterile, strict and precise standards in the USA, in FDA & GMP certified facility.

Also each and every pill is non-GMO and has NO ANY TOXINS OR DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES.

As a result of all this, Dr. David makes his supplement a safe supplement to take for everyone.

So, Sugar Balance doesn’t have any serious side effects.

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Pros and cons of Sugar Balance

sugar balance pills pros and cons

I’ll admit that this supplement is a great one.

Even though, it still must have the two sides, cons and pros.

Let’s see…

Sugar Balance Pills Pros:

Sugar Balance Pills Cons:

Now if you want to buy this supplement, please go with the official herbal supplement version that is available ONLY at the official website (The yellow button at the bottom of the screen).

Because you might end up like some customers who weren’t satisfied with what they got from amazon or walmart (Because of receiving a scam version!).

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Sugar Balance Price and Plans

sugar balance price and plans

The original price for 1 bottle is $99.

In addition, the shipping cost is $15 inside the US. In total, it’s $114 per bottle.

This price is considered low for the researches and tests done on this product.

The good news is that currently there is a great discount for Sugar Balance, but it’s limited and can end at any moment.

The discount price is $69 per bottle (30% off).

This package is called: “Starter Package“.

Moreover, there is another big discount that is much bigger for those who buy the 3 bottles package.

The bigger discounted package is $139 for 3 bottles (52% off)

This package is called: “Smart Package“.

Now those discount packages are good, but why not taking the benefits of the greatest discount for now? this last discount is set to be ended VERY soon!

And this is the biggest one here!

It’s $199 for 6 bottles + FREE Shipping

Despite the shipping is FREE, you are getting here %67 off. It’s $33 per bottle!

This is the good news. The bad news, this 6 bottles package is set to be ended VERY SOON!

This package is called: “Optimum Package“.

Our experts recommend this package because it helps you getting the optimum blood sugar levels!

There is no more time to waste!

You can get the package you like now by clicking on the button below.

Note: after you click on the button above, you need to scroll down on their website to see the buy buttons… 

How And Where to Get Sugar Balance safely?

sugar balance herbal supplement

"Where can I buy Sugar Balance herbal supplement?"

This product is available to buy from its official online website only!

You can find the official website with the official discount button appearing on the screen below (The yellow button).

Sometimes you may get scammed if you buy this supplement form other retailers like amazon, walmart or other websites. The reason of this is that this supplement is ONLY available through its official website. Other versions on any other website are scam! Please be aware of this and ONLY use the official button appearing below.

Now if you don’t know how to get this supplement, we have included a simple step by step explanation on how to buy the official Sugar Balance safely. Also we have included in that tutorial some images explaining how to get the greatest discount.

It’s the blue link that is appearing on the screen below “>>Or click here to learn how to get the official…“.

Is Sugar Balance available in United States? Canada? United Kingdom? Australia?

This is the last question that completes our Sugar Balance review, which is:

Is it available in United States? Is it available in all states?

“What about United Kingdom? Australia? Canada?”

What about all other countries?

According to Sugar Balance official website, this supplement is available in United States.

And yes, it ships to all states inside the US!

But what about other countries?

Well, after checking the official website, we can see that it’s available in UK, Canada, Australia, and all other countries, but with an extra shipping cost and delay (Because it requires international shipping).

Note: due to the high demand on sugar balance pills, our experts noticed that this product can be out of stock at any moment.

So if you want to take the benefits of this product, then please act fast. Otherwise, you will end up waiting 70 days or more to see it in stock again.

Note: after you click on the button above, you need to scroll down on their website to see the buy buttons… 


sugar balance faq

Take one capsule 3 times daily with meals (In total, 3 capsules per day).

When using this supplement, make sure to drink lots of water throughout the day.